9 Ingredients to Finding Your Ancestors with Descendancy View • FamilySearch

9 Ingredients to Finding Your Ancestors with Descendancy View • FamilySearch
Have you found your ancestors or cousins by using the descendancy view on FamilySearch.org? It is one of many new FamilySearch tools that ma…
How do I get a descendancy chart printout like the one in the old PAF program. I could get a couple of pages of 5th g-grandfather, 4th g-grandfather, 3rd g-grandfather, 2nd g-grandfather, 1st g-grandfather, grandfather, father, the me.
The one in FamilySearch gives just 4 or 5 line and that's it. Or is it that I'm too old to understand how to make the new-fangled computers to work?
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You can print the descendancy chart using the printer function of your browser. It is not a chart that is formatted for printing by FamilySearch. If you want all of the people shown, you need to open up each arrow in the chart before you print.