Project-South African Dutch Reformed Church Registers(Part F)(MQ9R-XRC)
Information on the child baptism has name of adoptive parent and birth parent should two separate entries be used showing the birth name and the adopted name for the child and the different parents names accorded the child's different surnames names?
You wouldn't create two indexed records for one person's record. The general indexing rule is that you would enter the current, or adoptive, parents' names. As for the child's name, I would index both surnames with 'or' between.
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Im not seeing anything in general indexing guidelines about adopted parents name only? I would enter childs surname as Vermeulen or van de Venter, then under fathers christian name Johannes Hendrik or Gerrit Jacobus, then under fathers surname Vermeulen or van de Venter. Mothers christian names and surname as written
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It's not in the condensed Gen Index. Guide. It's always been the rule for this situation, though. We wouldn't enter the names of two different people in one name field.
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I have south Africa church Registers, 1660-1970, Part F, MQ97-MCV, and by a process of elimination, this may be church membership or baptisms, but the records have no header, are only first names and birth date, then a list of people, maybe witnesses. I can translate words, but the only note is a PD or Rd beside the list of names. What is this?
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Here is the rule that was in place for indexing records for multiple parents or spouses:
Two Spouses or Parents
- When multiple spouses or parents are listed, index only the current spouse or parents.
- Follow these guidelines for multiple spouses or parents listed on a record:
- If there are multiple spouses listed, index only the present or current spouse. Do not add a record to index a previous spouse.
- If there are multiple parents listed, such as a set of birth parents and a set of adoptive parents, index only the current set of adoptive parents. Do not add a record to index both sets of parents.
I am fairly certain it is still somewhere in the help section, but, it is so user UNfriendly, it is hard to know what keywords the search engine wants.
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Thank you all for answers. I did record the adoptive parents name and the child's adoptive name as an or to birth parents name.