FamilySearch cookie preferences

COOKIES PREFERENCES chart near shown at top of this trend. I can access it. See it for 1-2 seconds then if goes away.
I was hoping to select less cookies if possible.
I am a heavy user of FamilySearch. I look at hundreds of sources per week. The issue I have is after awhile. Mostly the same, or next day source linker stops accepting indexed info, or some other feature on the site stops working right. I also use Firefox. Might be the issue, but the other browsers do not let me open up 20 plus windows like Firefox does. They mostly limit me to new tabs and I always close down stuff I do not want to.
I have to delete cookies on Firefox often. It used to be once a month. Then 2 times a month, weekly, now it is almost daily.
Whats next. Every hour?
Can the programmers get the trend going the other way?
Each time I have to delete cookies the count is just over 30.😂
I know I can have Firefox remove cookies when I close down Firefox.
There is this nice feature called leave me signed in for 2 weeks which is also removed. I have to sign in every time going that way.
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"Might be the issue, but the other browsers do not let me open up 20 plus windows like Firefox does. They mostly limit me to new tabs and I always close down stuff I do not want to."
I had never heard of a tab limit (and I keep a lot of tabs open when doing FamilySearch!) , so I tested both Chrome and Edge, and I opened 50 tabs in both without reaching a limit. I'm not sure why it stops you.
I'm not that familiar with Firefox, does it automatically update by default? I googled the situation, and I found the following quote on a FamilySearch help page:
"If FamilySearch does not seem to be working correctly in the browser you are using, you can try a different browser, or check for updates to the browser you are using. Sometimes browser updates or updates to FamilySearch can cause some browsers to perform better than others."
It also specified that FamilySearch is only made to be compatible with the current and previous version of a browser, so if your browser is two versions out of date, that may be the issue.
The full page can be read here:
Unfortunately, I can't find anything else that may help. It looks like you aren't the only person with the issue on Firefox, but the only other person I could find posted three years ago and came up with the same "clear cookies" solution that you did.