Will Indexing Reports be updated to include Name Review?
I am a stake indexing director. Indexing Reports have not been updated in a long time. I am hoping for some changes/updates:
•Add Name Review contributor numbers from Get Involved (I like to thank each member who volunteers each month--many are using Name Review on their app rather than Indexing).
•Communication from FamilySearch/Get Involved to help me use Reports more efficiently.
Mary Louise,
I found this Youtube video which may help you. Please check your login and Member Tools to make sure your are still an administrator.
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•I continue to hope that the participation numbers from Name Review on Get Involved app will be added to the Indexing Reports on Family Search.
•Here are some things I have learned about Indexing Admins and Reports in my almost 7 years as a Stake Indexing Director/T&FHC:
- To be an admin the person must have a ward T&FH calling that has been correctly entered by the ward clerk. To be a stake admin the T&FH calling has to be correctly entered by the stake clerk.
- If an admin moves out of the ward and records are moved to another ward BEFORE the calling of T&FHC was deleted, that person might remain as a ward admin on Indexing forever! We have one person who was an admin in a ward in the stake, moved to a different ward in stake, moved to a different stake, moved again at least two more times to other stakes--she is still listed as an admin on the original ward in my stake! I have been told the only way to remove her is for the ward clerk to request her record be moved back to the original ward; release her from the T&FH calling and remove her calling; then send her records back to the ward in which she now lives.
- I try to remind ward/stake clerk if a person will be moving out of ward/stake, please release from T&FH calling first, then move records.
- Indexing reports offer 3 choices--Organization, Language, and Directory. Organization report is what I use most. If I want to know how many records a particular person has indexed recently or what language, I use the Language report. When I want to know the email address for a particular person I use Directory (however, many youth do not include an email address). Some of the email addresses are old and person not using them anymore.
- The Progress Table will give you a quick view of how many records have been indexed by your group. You can click on the Projects tab and see what projects have been indexed recently.
I hope this helps a stake or ward indexing admin somewhere!