In sources, add ID# to names.
In the attached example, the son and the father have the same name. The same source was used twice. Both source were attached to the son, once correctly as the son and once incorrectly as the father of himself.
James Mitchell K887-QJJ: Father. James Mitchel 9M3B-138: Son.
I realize it is possible for more experienced users to figure out which source is attached wrong, but those of us less experienced, having the ID# next to the name would make it obvious. And, adding the ID# would also help identify any other errors.
You can tell from the title which is which: "James Mitchel in entry for James Mitchel ..." is the father, "James Mitchel ..." is the son (the primary person in the record). So you can simply go to the "in entry for" source, detach it, go to the correctly-attached source, click "Review Attachments", and attach the father in the index to the father in the Tree.
Combining the apples with the oranges wouldn't help: since both sources are attached to the son, both sources would just show his ID. The computer only knows what people tell it, and they've told it that both the father and the son in that index go with the ID K887-QJJ.