come posso eliminare dal mio albero una persona inesistente?
That depends.
If you entered the profile (by mistake), and nobody else has edited it, then you can go to the Details page and scroll down to the bottom of the right-hand column, where there will be a "Delete Profile" button/link in the Tools box.
If someone else entered it, or someone else has edited it, then that tool will be unavailable, and you'll basically have two choices: detach the profile's relationships, or "merge-delete" it.
In my experience, profiles for nonexistent people are basically always based on a mistake about a person who did exist, and I think the best way to clean those up is to merge the mistake into the correction. For example, if an indexer misread Max as May, and then a user blindly followed the index to create a profile for May as sister to Max, then I would change the sex on May's profile to male, copy the ID, go to Max's profile, and use Merge By ID to merge the May profile into it.
If the person in the profile may have existed, just not in your family (i.e., not with its current relationships), then you can remove those relationships: click the pencil icon where the profile appears as a child of the wrong parents, or with the wrong spouse, choose "Remove or Replace", and follow the prompts.