In sources, show ID# next to names and link to map
Under sources, the names in blue (or red if the link is clicked) are the names of secondary persons, such as father, mother, sibling. It would be very helpful if the ID# was displayed next to the name. This would help identify errors and duplicate persons.
Here’s an example.
John Mitchel (L2L1-C5H) has 3 Christening sources in 1770
Father: James Mitchel (2W31-JTR) Newburgh, Fife, Scotland, 4 Mar 1770
Father: James Mitchel (MBK7-Z3K) Glenmuick, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 4 Mar 1770
Father: James Mitchel (2W31-JTR) Dairsie, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom, 23 Mar 1770
Either MBK7-Z3K needs to be merged with 2W31-JTR, or given that Glenmuick is 80 miles from Newburgh, MBK7-Z3K is likely a different person.
It would also be beneficial for locations to have a link to a map of that time period. Ideally, once the map is open, then other links can go to that same map for comparison showing distances between locations. In the above example, such a map would show that Glenmuick is 80 miles from Newburgh.
Note: The existing map under “ABOUT” does not do this. That map only shows locations in “DETAILS” of the person and does show locations shown in “SOURCES”.
These features would save time, allowing users to accomplish more. And, allow users to more easily identify errors.
This may seem pedantic or nitpicky, but I think it's important to keep in mind that the people in an index entry are not Family Tree profiles. They may very well be attached to family tree profiles, but that's not the same thing at all: users can (and do) manage to attach the same entry to multiple profiles, and there's also of course the possibility of entries not being attached anywhere (yet).
There are views of index entries that do show Tree attachments, in the right-hand column, but for logistical reasons, they only show those for the index person you're currently looking at. For example, the John Mitchel baptism in Newburgh shows that it is attached to John Mitchel L2L1-C5H (
If you click the father in the index entry to go to that index detail page (, then it shows that that entry is attached to James Mitchel 2W31-JTR.
Even this level of connection between indexed records and profiles confuses people, unfortunately, so I'm really not sure that putting tree IDs next to index persons would be a good idea. They're not the same thing and need to be kept at least somewhat separate.