Make Family History Centers a digitization center for their area.
Here in Northwest Indiana, the patrons choose to visit the local libraries instead of the Family History Center as they have more available hours and more resources than the FHC. They are also FamilySearch affiliate libraries so digital access is the same. The FHC are very much underused. I suggest that FamilySearch use the FHC as digitization centers for their area. Patrons can come in an digitize their documents, which is already set up here and available, but the library has scanners that scan legal and poster size documents. So patrons choose to go there. But also stake missionaries or consultants should be trained as FamilySearch digitizers and work with the local churches, universities, and governments, etc to digitize their documents and make them available on FamilySearch. I know this requires contract negotiations. I have a masters degree in Library Science and Archives and understand copyright and limited access agreements. I have seen many records become unavailable and put in storage or destroyed in my county as they lack storage space and man power to do anything with them. If the FHC consultants were trained how to digitize the records and go onsite like the other FS digitization missionaries, the record acquistion for FamilySearch will go faster and the consultants/service missionaries can be utilized more.