What are restriction of loading a image from a person's memories to the profile page circle?

Is anyone aware of image format restrictions for placing an image from the individual's memories section to the Circle on the Individual Profile Page? I have been told that you cannot use a PDF formatted memory and select it for the individual's profile circle. Is that true?
DL Melville
Yes, that's true. Only photo images (BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF) can be used for portraits. The relevant help document doesn't state that directly, but it always uses the term "photo" when it talks about possible portraits: https://www.familysearch.org/en/help/helpcenter/article/how-do-i-add-or-change-a-portrait-photo-in-family-tree
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thanks Alan. I appreciate your quick response and your knowledge base. MIght be a good idea to have the Knowledge Article updated to spell that out more clearly.
DL Melville
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@melville,dl, you can suggest the clarification using the feedback form linked in this article: https://www.familysearch.org/en/fieldops/article/how-to-provide-content-feedback-or-request-new-instruction. (And thank you once again to @Amy Archibald for pointing me at the article.)