Error in Feedback Link on Campaign
I was made aware of this error from a FamilySearch user from England who used the Feedback link on a weekly campaign which displayed the Question in German. Here's what she wrote:
"I have no idea what I responded in the multi choice question above, it may or may not make sense / be correct. I couldn't find a way to copy and paste into a translation tool. Why address me in German (I guess) about my English ancestry? My comment is about an email re calendar dates about my ancestors and the link in it. I don't speak German, so not sure what this feedback field is for, but I guess it's why I gave the response I did. Two dates wrong, out of 5 - hardly impressive. The trees on your site are stuff full with inaccuracies, mostly through superficial research. There may be sources, mostly there is, but of course most English sources are not sufficient - you may know you descend from a Joe Bloggs born c. 1840, there were probably quite a few. If you need to find the right one you need to do more in depth research - and sometimes there is nothing (readily available) to tell you. Sadly, most people ignore this - espcially Americans. It is very irresponsible of FamilySearch to claim what is on the trees as though accurate."
I tried the Feedback link from my own campaign email and have attached a screenshot showing the same error that she saw-which needs to be fixed.
To address her statement: "It is very irresponsible of FamilySearch to claim what is on the trees as though accurate"
I think the Family Tree, and all campaigns that pull from it, need to have some statement that the Information in the Tree is user-generated; most contributors are not skilled researchers and errors are inevitable if not intentional. The purpose of the shared tree is to help amateur researchers find and collaborate with others with whom they share common ancestors and all names, dates, places and relationships should be documented by personally evaluating and analyzing historical records. FamilySearch provides free access to billions of original records for this purpose.😊
This has been fixed. Thanks for the report.