Volume was misplaced from one parish to another.
Hi. I report an issue with
"Colombia, registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1576-2018," database with images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-89KJ-49M3?cc=1726975&wc=CG3X-4WL%3A1044036301%2C1046539903%2C1044292202%2C1292868001 : 5 May 2021), Valle del Cauca > Guacarí > San Juan Bautista > Transcripciones de bautismos 1896-1913, vol 8 > image 2 of 466; La Arquidiocesis de Caragena (The Archdiocese of Cartagena), Colombia.
The volume 8, 1896-1913, appears to be within the Guacarí parish. Instead, it belongs to the San Pedro parish in the town of San Pedro (same Valle del Cauca departamento). Note my lines.
Furthermore, note how the page for San Pedro (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-89KJ-49M3?owc=CKLDW38%3A1044036301%2C1292862302%2C1044036303%3Fcc%3D1726975&cc=1726975) is missing a volume that starts in 1896.
Please take a look and put it in the right place,
thank you!
This has been reported. Thank you for letting us know.