Unable to merge G88Y-GV2 and GZCP-ZQV by PID#

I am unable to merge Hafeeth Shadid G88Y-GV2 and Hafeeth Shadid GZCP-ZQV. I want G88Y-GV2 to be the survivor. These two PIDs are currently showing as siblings.
When I try to merge by PID I get "These two people cannot be merged because they are in different trees." I don't understand what is meant by "different trees" ???
Best Answers
That's not the most helpful message. What it is trying to communicate is that G88Y-GV2 is a person in the public space (everyone can see him), but GZCP-ZQV is in your private space (only you can see him). The most common situation most people are familiar with is living persons being in a private space, but deceased people can also be in a private space -- generally because the person is connected to a country that has particular restrictions on person visibility because of legal or other issues. Since this person seems to have connections to the Middle East, I imagine that is why he is in your private space.
You're not allowed to do merge people where one is in a private space and the other is in a public space. That makes sense, if you think about it. The resulting person would have to be in the private space or the public space. That would mean either that a private person would suddenly become public -- not good, since there are reasons that person is private -- or the public person would suddenly become private -- not good, since that person that everyone can now see would mysteriously disappear.
In this case, you may need to work with Support if the person who is public really should be private or vice versa.
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GZCP-ZQV gives "person not found" for me. I suspect he's become the victim of the confidentiality bot that G88Y-GV2 has so far managed to avoid.
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Okay, this is all coming into focus now. So my Private (unbeknownst to me) PID has a birth place of Syria and the Public PID has a birth place of Lebanon. I can take it from there. Thanks Alan & Julia.