South Africa Dooplidmaatregister
Not sure what to do with this one (South Africa—Dutch Reformed Church Registers, 1660–1970 [Part F][MQ9L-CY6]). It has Gebore (birth), doop (baptism), and lidmaatregister (membership register). I understand it is technically a membership register, but if I choose that, then the birth and baptism don't get indexed. ALL have info for the birth/baptism but only some have the info for the membership register (I assume because the baptism made them a member, so it didn't need to be recorded twice.
I understand that if it has birth and baptism it is a baptism register, however this seems to be a church membership register. I feel like, info-wise, it would be worth making two records for those that have baptism AND membership dates, but want to do it right.
Best Answer
baptism record