Rosasco Surname
I found two (2) men on a 1777 muster roll for the Revolutionary War from Massachusetts with the surname Rosasco. My paternal grandmother's name was Rosasco and it is an uncommon Italian surname from a specific area of Italy. How can I find out if these two (2) men may be related to the Rosasco family I am researching. My Rosasco family history has revealsed they were highly educated, enterprising business people, and civically involved in our city.
I do know they may be among the first Italians to settle along the Great Lakes area several decades before the migration of Italians from 1880 -1920.
It would be interesting to know if there is a relationship between these families what part of Italy were these two (2) men were from, how they came to the USA, and why they came to USA so early in our country's history.
@CecilyLederer have you been able to find any additional information? Do you still need assistance?
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I opened this because I thought there may be an answer and there wasn't anything. There could have been a mistake on the two (2) men with the surname Rosasco on the Revolutionary War muster rolls in Massachusetts.