TIP - one example of how you can showcase your research to other members of your family

Just one example of how a person can, with a little effort, - use images, albums, audio and the slideshow features of FamilySearch Memories to show case their work and share their research with others.
A few suggestions that I wish could be implemented though:
a) Having the slideshow use the title of each item as a subtitle on the slideshow
b) Have an option that allows for the slideshow to "loop play" an audio across all of the items and not just for one item.
c) Better controls on the speed of the slide transfer from one slide to another or the time of the slideshow over all.
What are some NEAT / COOL features of FamilySearch that you have come across - that you feel many people miss or overlook?
Agradecerles de corazon por la ayuda que nos brindan con los registros de nuestros ancestros ya fallecidos, y estos registros de bautismo que nos envia a nuestro arbol geneologico nos aporta mucha informacion que nuestra familia en vida no nos han pedido brindar, muchisisimas Gracias por tan formidable labor, que Dios los bendiga
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Es un placer! realmente has sido un milagro lo que hemos hecho - solo con la ayuda e inspiracion del Senor.
De donde son los ancestros suyos?? Ha visto ud - registros similares de su pais??