When will this record be available? - Rovigo, Italy
Hi there! The following record is not available yet, because it most likely includes "Birth records" of people born between 1920 to 1927 who may potentially be still alive.
Considering that it includes Birth, Death and Marriage certificates, do you think it will be possible to separate Death and Marriage certificates from the birth, so that it will be available earlier?
Thank you!
There is a program in process to "break apart" digital films that contain older records and newer records to enable us to view the ones that are not within the privacy restriction. It will take some time for the process to be completed.
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As @Áine Ní Donnghaile indicated films containing both restricted and unrestricted records are being separated - and, some of that work has been completed for Rovigno.
If you follow this link: https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/1497230?availability=Family%20History%20Library you will see that almost all of the periods that should be viewable are in fact available - you can see this because now there are references such as "Images xxx to xxx" - this is really great news - as you can also see, films with multiple years have now been separated with individual waypoints. Granted, there are a few more to go, but this is major progress.
Take a look, hope this helps
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Thank you all! It was very helpful :)