Hola, como se corrige un nombre mal indexado?
Hola, como se corrige un nombre mal indexado?
Mal nombre de padre, registro 35
gracias :)
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That film has the camera-with-key icon for me, and the access message is "partner site or record custodian", but you clearly have access via FS, so you may be able to make the correction yourself. In the view shown in your screenshot, click the "page" icon at the left of the name on the Image Index tab. On the resulting index detail page (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPVS-R181), check the middle of the black stripe at the top: is the "Edit" button enabled? If yes, then you can correct the father's name.
If the "Edit" button is not enabled even for you, then you'll just have to console yourself that the index served its purpose, despite the error: you found the record. In fact, I see that you've already attached it to the correct people in Family Tree, so all that's left is to use the source's Notes/Description field to make a note of the indexing error (and maybe provide a transcription of the entry, for the benefit of users with public accounts like mine).
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The record https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPVS-R181 should appear correct.