If an ordinance card does not print, keep it showing not printed in the reservation lists
When family search users select ordinances from our reservations list to print, we are asked whether or not the cards printed. Usually, the cards have printed so I select yes and move on with my research and organization. Occasionally, the program generates and error code and the card page does not appear so we are unable to print our selected ordinances and have to reserve them again. When I select "no" to the question asking whether or not the cards printed, family search notes that the cards now appear as printed and suggests we try reprinting later. Why does family search mark such cards are printed? Is it possible to change this procedure to keep us from having to comb through our list of printed cards trying to figure out which did not print please? Or, is it at least possible to generate a list of ordinances we had intended to print but were unable to due to a system error please?