Have administrator options in Family Groups
I am the administrator of a ward family group. As it stands now whenever a new member joins the group everyone in the group receives an email about the new joiner. Could we as administrators have the ability to turn on/off the email or notification function? I seldom send group messages - pretty much only to let them know when a youth temple trip is coming up so they can share extra B/Cs to the Group. I see no need for them to be notified when a new member joins.
Because many are using the Family Groups as ward sharing places I think there may be other areas where the ward groups should function differently from a true family group. I heard that there will be an ability to view living people between group members; this is something that a ward group should not have. Maybe the administrator could select family group or ward group when setting it up and that would alter certain functions. We love having the ability to have ward groups, but they do function differently than the initially set up family groups.