Getting Help with Research Questions • FamilySearch

Many of you have used the FamilySearch blog to post questions asking for research help. Every day we get several blog requests asking for so…
I have spent weeks trying to find Birth or Death for Ronald Arthur May born 1945 to 1950, Redfern, New South Wales. Father Arthur Edgar Sidney May 1924, Mother Ethel May Lilius Jones. Brothers Peter Ellis George 1950, Lawrence David. I am not sure if this is the spot for this question. Thanks. Perry Fuller
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Please reach out to your local family history consultant for FamilySearch center or library for one-on-one help.
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what do the different colors mean on the LDS Church temple ordiances mean?
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@Shirley Rawlins The LDS Church temple ordinances colors were simplified in the article: Update: June 11, 2020—Fewer Temple Icon Colors.