When living person has multiple accounts….and then transitions to deceased….Re:sources,etc

Suppose Kay Jones is listed as living in 5 different accounts…..I assume that sources can be attached to all 5 accounts…..so, in this case a source would have multiple Kay Jones accounts attached. Kay passes away, this is only noted on one of her accounts. The other accounts still record her as “living”. Do they remain invisible and with sources attached until the creator of the account makes a change to deceased? This would mean there would be the possibility of many “living” accounts for a deceased person.
Best Answer
Correct, they remain in that person's private space until they mark their record of her as deceased.
By "accounts," do you mean profiles in the FamilySearch Family Tree? 5 different PID numbers?
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Yes, 5 profiles of the same living person created by 5 different researchers.
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Based on the poster's other threads, yes, by "account" he/she means "profile".
Yes, there is a possibility of there being multiple private-space profiles that are all meant to be for the same now-deceased person. If the creators of those profiles eventually get around to marking their versions as "deceased", then they can also merge them with the already-marked-deceased version. If a profile's creator never gets around to that, it doesn't affect anyone else, so there's no problem.
I don't use "living" profiles as anything other than connectors, so I haven't a clue whether one can attach sources to them. It seems rather pointless to do so. Data about living people should be tracked offline, not on any website.
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Correct me if I am wrong, but when the living records are marked deceased and then merged with other duplicate records for that individual, sources (if any are attached) are then duplicated in the surviving record for that individual.
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@melville,dl, the merge process allows you to choose which sources to keep. If any of them are duplicates, you can simply not carry them over in the merge.