⭐A New Version of the FamilySearch.org Homepage⭐

A new version of the FamilySearch.org homepage has been released. This change was necessary because the technology used to create the previous version became outdated. The outdated system made it impossible to introduce new features or even make simple updates. The current version on the homepage will be retired on July 17th, 2023. For additional information, please refer to the following article: https://www.familysearch.org/en/help/helpcenter/article/why-is-there-a-new-familysearch-homepage
There are few suggestions for the new home page
Make ALL sections Toggle collapsible (especially the photos! this take too much real estate already as it is and I don't want to hide the selected photos).
"Recent People" please make it toggle collapsible again like it has been in old version.
Also make these 2 new sections collapsible, too
All to reduce real estate as much as possible for more quick work without having to scroll down.
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Please make the person page more reader friendly - meaning skimmable -
Thus - bold or somehow make the dates super easy to find with your eyes - the detail section is difficult to glance up and find your information - make the dates easy to jump to and from with your eyes plz
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My very first experience with this "New Version FS Homepage" is not very positive, the FEEDBACK on the left of the page is NOT working.
Secondly - the Temple and Record hints that have been given for Reservation, poses a question, example, Johanna Elizabeth Dieperink 2FFB-F5F Sealing to Spouse can be requested, however her spouse Vincent Nicolas Jutronich, L824-1Y7 has no ordinance work done for him at all.
Is this now acceptable? I am still of the old school, and have strictly observed ordinances to be done in the correct order, as is expected in Living persons?
Memory Smith.
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M. Smith,
Secondly - the Temple and Record hints that have been given for Reservation, poses a question, example, Johanna Elizabeth Dieperink 2FFB-F5F Sealing to Spouse can be requested, however her spouse Vincent Nicolas Jutronich, L824-1Y7 has no ordinance work done for him at all.
Is this now acceptable? I am still of the old school, and have strictly observed ordinances to be done in the correct order, as is expected in Living persons?
Ordinances for spouses become valid upon completion of individual ordinances. It is allowable, but NOT for the living persons. This had been permitted for decades.
The most recent major change is April 2022 - after 30 days for deceased parents, siblings and children only. My friend is getting ordinances done for her mother right now, after only 30 days since her death.
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Would like to be able to move the "To-Do List" to the top