
My brother has passed away and I changed his status to deceased. In a few days, his ordinances showed up as needing to be done. I quickly requested them so they wouldn't be redone as all of his work had been completed during his life. I called Family Search and they told me to contact his ward clerk to have them put in the death info. We have done that and of course, a duplicate now shows up with the death info and the ordinances complete. That's all great, but there's nothing else on that record. All of the sources, etc are on the original record.
I realize that I now need to merge these two and have done it a few times before, but if I keep the person with all the sources, memories and family info, and no ordinances, will it bring those over to the surviving one? I move all the sources, memories and family information to the record with the ordinances already complete?
Sure hope this makes sense for you to help me!
Best Answer
Just merge. The direction doesn’t matter. All the information from both records will combine nicely.
I found the answer. Ordinances are handled by Family Search and will take care of themselves!