New "edit everything" tool is doing Weird Things.

The new index-correction tool has recently (as in, this week) been rolled out on at least the recently-published parts of the Hungary Civil Registrations indexes. This means that we can now try to correct things like a person's sex -- but the key word there is "try".
On the tool/image-viewer page, it all looks OK.
But if you figure out how to get back to the index detail page, it suddenly isn't OK any more: the sex is wrong. (Férfi = "man, male".)
Also, it's not indicating which fields have been edited and which ones haven't, neither in the tool, nor on the detail page. On the tool, you can figure out that for example the name has been edited, because it says "Given Name: Katalin, Surname: Baksy, Name: Szent István" (i.e., the name was originally ridiculously misindexed as "Saint Stephen"), but this is only true if you've looked at or edited several of these already, and thus know to translate "Name:" as "Originally Indexed Name:". It would be good if we didn't need to make such translations of the labeling.
@Julia Szent-Györgyi As far as the change not transferring to the record details page, click the Feedback button on the left side of the screen in the new image viewer and report it. If you are one of the people who cannot see the button, let me know and I can report it.
You are right that the new editing tool does not show the evidence of edits on a record details page. That is a known issue. Not sure if they will change it or not.
On the new image viewer, you can see what changes have been made. On this page:, scroll to the bottom and click Show Change history.
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The Show Change History page is largely gibberish.
It's sorted randomly, it doesn't identify what's "before" and what's "after", and it's full of entries that aren't actually changes.
Index detail pages do not have a Feedback tab. I have used the tab on the image viewer/editor page instead, both on Katalin's page and on another one that I found ( The second one has the sex in English on both the detail page and on the image's side panel; one says "male", the other says "female".
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Oh, another problem with the Show Change History page: there's no sign on it of the misindexed and corrected name. The string "name" does not occur on the page. Going by that list, the name was never changed, i.e. "Katalin Baksy" and "Szent István" are being treated as if they were exactly the same thing.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi Can you use the Feedback button on Images pages to report these issues? That gets the info to the folks who can get things fixed.
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It's baaack....
This is one of the ones that I complained about in my "it's doing weird things" thread, because while the editing tool said "Female", the index detail page said "Férfi" (=man, male). Whatever they've done to correct that resulted in uncorrecting the rest of it. For comparison, here's the old screenshot of the detail page:
(The "tool-side" display is unchanged.)