Yvette Hoitink research on "Using AI for Transcriptions"
Here is something I believe will interest you as much as it interests me!
Yvette Hoitink is a well known Dutch genealogist and writes the "Dutch Genealogy News". Even though it is about Dutch genealogy, her latest issue is about solving problems in genealogy research we all face. For instance, handwritten and nearly illegible records in a mixture of languages - common to records in Northern Germany, Poland, Ukraine, etc.
Please open the link below and scroll down to her
"Using AI for Transcriptions"
Her article gives me great hope, as there are nearly a million pages of untranslated last wills and testaments in the Family search archives listed by surname....think of the stacks of untranslated church book images...public documents, land records....
here is the link: https://us7.campaign-archive.com/?e=d110a696aa&u=d67daf0e2471ef9d8e6891be3&id=f83d9606ad
fred blume