What has happened to the Polish Records?
Indexed Polish records are not being shown through the Search>Records feature. I searched for Gilowski, Poland and got zero records from Poland.
I know that Ladislaus Gilowski is an indexed record from Film# 008017256 image 846 of 922.
How can I get the search engine to work?
It used to.
Leslie Edmunds
@Leslie Edmunds Film 8017256 does not show as indexed in the catalog. So, you will not find Ladislaus Gilowski's record from that film when you do a Records Search. Search Records searches only indexed record sets.
A catalog search for Wojslawice, Poland only turns up 2 sets of records on FamilySearch: Roman Catholic Church records and Greek Catholic Church records (https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/results?count=20&placeId=67987&query=%2Bplace%3A%22Poland%2C%20Lw%C3%B3w%2C%20Sokal%2C%20Wojs%C5%82awice%22&subjectsOpen=738128-50). Neither set of records shows in the catalog as having been indexed. But, you can browse the images.
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@N Tychonievich, at this point, the catalog is a full two years out of date, and there have been a lot of indexes published in that time.
Film 8017256 has over 19,000 indexed records associated with it (https://www.familysearch.org/search/record/results?count=100&q.filmNumber=8017256). However, none of them are Ladislaus Gilowski, or in fact, anything Gilowski (https://www.familysearch.org/search/record/results?count=100&q.filmNumber=8017256&q.surname=Gil%2A) -- or if they are, Search - Records appears to be blind to their existence.
The film is FHC/AL-only for me, so I can't check whether it's the entire page/image that's missing, or just Ladislaus.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi Thanks. I found the record and it shows in the image index. I'll report the inability to find it through search.
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Thank you for forwarding this issue to someone who can fix it.
P.S. Does this mean that not all the indexed images on that film are actual in the searchable index? That would be good to know so that we can start an page by page search and not count on the index for help at this time.
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@Leslie Edmunds For now, yes, I would suggest a page by page search. We're seeing a lot of problems with searching the indexed record sets lately. Reports are in and we hope that things will soon be working correctly, but record search is currently failing to find some items that have been indexed and should be findable.