Why have I been having to sign-in again against every tab I've had open when timed-out?

I experienced this a few days ago, whereby I had Family Tree open in multiple tabs, then - after being timed out - had to sign in again on each page. I don't recall this happening in the past (indeed, it has only happened once again since), as I find I usually only have to sign back in just once. True, the other pages seem to "self-refresh", but - as I say - I do not usually need separate sign-ins. Is this an intermittent problem affecting other users and/or has anyone else noticed this? I believe it has happened whilst using Firefox, as well as Chrome.
I've not had it happen, @Paul W, as long as I use the "keep me signed in for 2 weeks" option. Yes, my username disappears in the upper right and is replaced by the sign-in button, but I can continue my work and the self-refresh (or silent re-sign-in) happens without any intervention on my part.
Most browsers have an option to put unused tabs to sleep, to save power/bandwidth. I have that option turned off in Firefox, the browser I use most.
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There's a easy way around this. Been there.
Just re-sign one, then on other pages in separate tabs, just hit "refresh" button, (F5).
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I've been trying different browsers and the "keep me signed in for 2 weeks" option checked, or otherwise, and have come to the conclusion that the only way around the problem is indeed to check the box.
I'm convinced something has changed over the last week or so, as I have never checked the box and don't recall ever having to sign-in again for every tab I've had open. The reason I've never bothered with the "keep me signed in for 2 weeks" option is that I use Firefox 90% of the time and my settings ensure cookies are deleted upon exiting the browser, so I have considered checking the box to be a waste of time.
Obviously, I will have to change my habits now, as its been a bit of a pain having to sign in again up to five times, without my having checked the option!
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@W D Samuelsen contact me please
As explained to @Áine Ní Donnghaile, this doesn't appear to work anymore if one hasn't checked the "keep me signed in for 2 weeks" box.
I've been fiddling around trying to replicate my problem (in using different browsers), but have only had trouble when I've continued with my practice of not checking the box.
Funnily enough, I am also finding that I am not being timed-out so quickly, either. Whether a co-incidence or not, I've still not been timed-out after leaving my computer for over an hour today, whereas I would usually expect this to happen after around 35/40 minutes.
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It appears I can't win! I have been using Chrome today (where I don't have my settings set to clear cache / cookies when exiting browser, unlike with when I use Firefox). So, I've checked the "keep me signed in for 2 weeks" option and that has stopped me from having to sign-in against every FamilySearch (Family Tree) tab I have open every time I'm timed out. (Thinks - "Ah, so there is a difference between being timed out and logged out".) However, now I'm experiencing - for the first time - the dreadful behaviour (reported in other threads) of the constant page refreshes!
I now have to decide which is the less of the two evils! Hopefully the engineers are still working on the (constantly refreshing page) issue. In my case, I was typing a (Collaboration) Note, which did not get lost after the "auto-refresh", but I had to open (click on Edit) the text field again to continue finishing writing my comments.
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Is this how things have been for other users recently? It's just crazy - I'm only leaving a page for a few minutes and it refreshes as soon as I return! Surely there's some fix for this - not helping my giddiness at all.
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@Paul W It hasn't been terrible for me on FS, but I've been experiencing it on some other genie websites.