When we find two persons to merge, A the person I entered with his family & B the possible duplicate.
A: has a different ID number than B: they ARE duplicated. Once the merge has taken place A's DETAILS with all his family are above B in the family, however B and his family's ID numbers are now all the same as A's family.
To my mind this just confuses the issue, it was never so in the OLD Version in family search.
Now the two same people cannot be merged because they have the same ID numbers. And the only way to correct them is by removing or replacing all details from the B person, and his family.
Previously, and it worked perfectly, either the father or the mother, or both are merged using their original ID numbers, and the children automatically fell in place opposite their possible duplicates.
Would it be possible for the OLD Version's process to be used again, it really is so easy?
Memory Smith
I'm sorry, but your explanation is difficult to follow. All I can think of is that you have merged one member of the family and just need to finish merging each of the other family members in turn as we have always had to do. Also, I have not noticed any change in the procedure for merging for years.
Can you post an actual example of this given the full ID numbers of the people involved so I and others can see in Family Tree exactly what you are trying to describe?
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The persons I was working on have been completely merged by me already so it will not help to send their ID numbers now.
The procedure has changed in the NEW format. When I come across this problem again, I will remember to send the ID numbers and will not do the merging myself, and perhaps sent a screenshot if I can get it right.
Thank you for replying.
Memory Smith.
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@M. Smith, the thing is, nothing has changed in the merge procedure since at least 2019.