A random person is changing my living aunts to deceased.
I had 2 aunts who had their birth certificates released by the state of Indiana. While they were still alive. If I saw birth certificates released to the public, and saw it used as a source, it would lead me to believe they were deceased.
Why can't you contact him? Message him!
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As Gail says, you should be able to contact the person by simply clicking his username where it appears on your aunt's profile. Choose "Message" from the window that comes up.
The other way to deal with erroneously-public profiles is to enlist FS staff's help; you do that by editing the "Death" conclusion on the profile using the "edit" (pencil) button. Change the status to "Living", then click "Save" and follow the prompts. Depending on their workload, it may take staff a few days to make the change.
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Change them from living to deceased. It takes about three days for the change to go into effect. If it continues and you can't contact the individual, I would consider reporting them for abuse as it is in violation of FamilySearch's policies.
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I've had to do request a deceased-to-living change a few times, and I usually have a very prompt reply from FS Staff.
One thing - the other user cannot see the living profiles you've created, so is not changing that detail. The other user has created duplicates and marked them deceased. Only YOU can see the profiles you have created for your living relatives.
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I typoed - change them from Deceased to Living.