Would Enjoy Being Able to Find People Who Experienced a Certain Event in a Particular Location.
I enjoyed the ability to look up (US) persons who were drafted during World War II.
I could use something similar: An ability to search for people at particular times. Something like the following.
[LOCATION] [can be very broad, like "anywhere" OR "Europe" or very narrow, like a specific town]
To give examples:
-- I noticed a record of a person who was in Poland and died right after the Nazis invaded. This intrigued me; I’d like to learn more about her, and her experiences.
-- I was recently working through some records, and found an individual who died during the Battle of Normandy. Further research located his death at Cherbourg. If I had an ability to search the date of the Normandy Campaign, and find deaths during that period, I might be able to find more people in my lineage I should review.
I’d be quite interested in this and other searches like this. It could help us discover family members who lived through a battle or great event or crisis.
Thank you for allowing me to make this small suggestion.