Baptism under Other rather than Confirmation
When a source provides a Baptism, it is added to a person's page under Other. Then you have to type it in under Christening. Why not make the process simpler by adding a baptism under confirmation directly.
Note that when the source provides a Christening, it is put under Christening.
The really fun part? In every language besides English, those are the same word. This means that when you use Source Linker on a baptism with the interface set to a different language, it lies to you: it says it's adding X, but when you look under X, it's not there.
Instead, it's in a different section, with an entirely different -- and untranslated English -- label.
The problem is that FS is an LDS website, and the LDS church, being of English-speaking origin, has taken advantage of the superabundance of English vocabulary: in their world, a baptism is a completely different sacrament than a christening. Therefore, when an index collection happens to choose the wrong translation for labeling its indexed field, we all suffer.