Remove the "Find Relatives at RootsTech" banner from the Family Tree app

How can I permanently remove the "Find Relatives at RootsTech" banner from the Family Tree app?
Thank you
Best Answer
And that feature is due to end on 1 June, so not long to wait.
That should go away when the availability to use the feature is turned off.
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I confess. I blew this off as not my problem. But then I had to pull the recent Android App out of mothballs to check something out and wholly cow; this Rootstech banner is just mean.
The Android redesign has always been unusable for me (I won't give up 3.1.7 even if FS shows up with torches and pitchforks) but this banner is just one more toothpick in the eyeball.
Compare this new+improved Android experience...
...with the former, yet useful Android experience.
Truthfully, I'm not feeling any love in that top screenshot.
Yes, I did hear that the toothpick won't be in our eyeballs forever. That's awesome I guess but there was already so little real estate with version 4 of the Android app, erasing even more of that is basically like dialing up someone's astigmatism for 2 weeks or however long this thing goes on.
The world is already harsh, we need more kindness, not this.
edit: Why are these attachments so monstrously large? Am I missing something obvious? Does this mean I'm ready for the Android design team?
edit 2: My images permanently transformed into Loading! images during a post edit and I had to reupload the originals. I seem to be batting below zero today.
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[suggestion, get rid of the new post button during a post edit]
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When you post a screenshot, you have the option to make it small/medium/large.
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@Áine Ní Donnghaile I really appreciate that. Me being dumb is way easier to fix than the site being dumb.