Temple reservation ordinance listings as being "printed"
When I have printed out a number of temple ordinance cards for baptism and confirmation, it prints-out all of the ordinances on one card. ( I now realize I can use the filtering option so the other ordinances are not printed out on the card, but too late) When that ordinance is completed, and I go back to my temple reservations page. The person I did that ordinance for , it lists the other ordinances that have not been completed as "printed" . When an ordinance is performed , the temple takes the ordinance card. The problem I am having is when I go into the temple ordinance reservations, it will list the ordinances as having been "printed" when it was printed out on the original ordinance card. I understand I can use the filter feature so only the ordinance I want performed to be listed on the ordinance card. Unfortunately, before this feature became available, I had reserved about 1,500 names that I found. ( this was before the new restriction of only allowing 300 ordinances to be reserved) The problem I am having is knowing which ordinances have actually been printed- out as they were initially printed out when the ordinance card for the baptism and confirmation but since the card was taken by the temple, it still lists the ordinances that have not been performed as being printed when in reality there is no ordinance card printed for those ordinances. Since I don't want to do duplicate ordinances, I don't know if I should reprint for the successive ordinances even though it says it has been printed. My dilemma is that I have so many names to do that I have given out a number of ordinance cards to friends, family, and other relatives to help me with the work. Once that work is done, it still says that the other ordinances have been "printed" when they haven't . Here is my suggestion. When an ordinance has been performed, even if all the ordinances have been listed on that card, it should say on the temple reservation page for the other ordinances not performed, " not printed" even though it was printed out on the initial card ( this would not apply to the filtering option). This way I can go to the reservation page and look at the names of ordinances that haven't been performed and not worry that printing out a duplicate card and wasting time on doing a duplicate ordinance. I don't know if this makes sense . It would be much easier to explain it to a real person. Never the less that is my suggestion. Again Once an ordinance has been performed, the temple reservation page should say that the unfinished ordinances are "not printed" even though it may have been printed initially on one card for baptism and confirmation. This will help us patrons to know if the card has actually been printed and waiting to be done and not risk printing out a duplicate and wasting valuable time doing a duplicate ordinance. From now on I will use the filtering option to print out only the ordinance that is to be performed. If you would like to discuss this further, please reply with a contact number and maybe I can explain it better in person.
I'm just an other user but will say that your explanation is just fine. This has been requested in various forms and in various ways many times by others so the programmers are well aware of the problem that the programming that worked just fine under old procedures (give back the cards) does not work very well under new procedures (don't give back the cards). I do hope they get the programming caught up with the current procedures soon.
There is a work around for this that may or may not work very well depending on the current state of your reservation list and the number of cards you have printed. If you still have more than 300 names on your personal reservation list you may want to find a different way to manage things.
Here is what will work:
- Go to your Completed list
- Right Click on a person to jump to that person's detail page in a new tab.
- Go to that person's ordinance page.
- Share all remaining ordinances with the Temple
- Unshare all remaining ordinances from the Temple
They will now show on your list as Not Printed.
Two cautions:
- If your personal reservation list is still over 300, you will not be able to unshare from the temple until the number falls under 300 either by completing ordinances or by sharing most of your reservations to the temple. However, it's a good idea to share almost everything with the temple because then you can get help completing them not only from people you have given cards to but with all relatives of yours who use Ordinances Ready.
- If people you have given printed cards to completed some ordinances but were able to get the card back by pleading that they did not print the card and if they didn't get the card back they would not be able to get the rest of the ordinances done, you could still end up duplicating some ordinances.
One frank admission:
- If you have printed hundreds of cards, this is going to be a lot of work.