Problem Report: Fan chart only partially remembers settings.
There is an annoying little bug in the fan chart on the web site where the selected settings are only partially remembered.
- Log into and go to the Tree.
- Select Fan Chart for the type of tree to view.
- Click the Settings icon on the chart. Note that Family Lines is selected as the default.
- Select the Ordinances option. The fan chart changes to show the ordinances in progress, need more info, etc. The legend at the left shows what the colors mean.
- Leave the fan chart and go to some other page – i.e. Person.
- Return to the fan chart.
Result: The chart has reverted to the Family Lines setting, but the legend still shows the colors for the Ordinances. The legend does not match what the chart is showing.
Expected: Either the chart should remember the previously selected setting – in this case Ordinances – so it matches the legend, or the legend should revert to match the setting. My preference would be for the Ordinances setting to be remembered and not revert to the default.
Tested on Windows using Chrome.
Skip Clavell
@Skipclavell Yes, I can see that you are right. I tested it in Windows using Firefox and got the same results. We'll get this reported and hope a correction is soon made.