Shared With Me
Firstly, thank you for working so hard to make improvements to the functionality of FamilySearch.
Something I think would be very helpful, is if we could have a ‘Shared With Me’ section in our Temple list, this would make it so easy for us to recognise names that have been shared when we are trying to print cards, or take names to the Temple for others.
Recently a friend shared several names with me, so that I could take them to the Temple for her. The first problem, was that they imported into my personal reservation list. I have a lot of names reserved already, and many of the names are not familiar names, so I couldn’t identify which ones my friend shared without going through each individual name. Second problem, some of the names she shared didn’t arrive in my list at all.
For people who aren’t able to attend a Temple personally, or who are not very computer/FamilySearch literate, and they aren’t able to access in person help, sharing names can be very difficult, it’s made even more difficult when experiencing the problems I have encountered.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.