Computer generated history
Computer generated history is not correct.
It has used a Maori Iwi (tribe) name as a location in New Zealand.
Waitaha is a Maori Iwi. Please remove this.
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@StaceyHertnon, the timeline shows the background value (called the "standardized" place in FS parlance). You can suggest corrections to that database on the Places page (
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I am sorry but the page you made featuring my grandmother is useless.
There is nothing there that I had not already entered, so it's really a waste of time.
Thanks for trying anyway....
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If you change from the new person page default About tab to the Details tab you can view/edit a Brief Life History and then override the computer-generated one on the About page:
If you do not find the About page useful - using the other tabs as your default will allow you ignore it - until you click About again.
Anything mentioning computer-generated should be taken with a grain of salt - but I do find the features interesting.