Show relationship in My Reservations
In My Reservations, Shared with Temple, Completed, Ordinances Ready, etc., under the name of each person, it would be great to see my relationship with that person.
Reasons to do this:
1) It helps me feel contected to that person as opposed to just a list of random names.
2) If I see my relationship to a person in my reservations, such as my great grandfather, I may feel more inclined to take that name to the Temple than if it were my 12th cousin 4 times removed.
3) I have 2 family groups, one containing persons related to me that I share with my siblings, and one containing persons related to my wife that we share with her siblings. Showing relationship in My Reservations, allows me to more easily divide those names into those 2 family groups.
4) If the "Relationship" shows "NO RELATIONSHIP" that tells me I probably should not have requested ordinances and/or included that person in My Reservations.