Ordinance submission for SP when other ordinances are pending in Temple File or Family File
When B-C-I-E temple ordinances are pending ("Shared with Temple" for example) submitted by a 1st patron researcher and a 2nd patron researcher submits a "green" SP for temple work, the current software requires that the 2nd patron accept responsibility to perform the other 4 ordinances. In other words, the current recent software changes to Family Search no longer allow a 2nd patron to submit a Sealing to Parents (SP) ordinance by itself without being required to accept responsibility for completing the other 4 ordinances which the 1st patron submitted to the Temple File (Shared with the Temple) or possibly their Family File. This happens when a 2nd patron researcher discovers a previously unknown set of parents which then produces the "green" SP ordinance for a child that a 1st patron has previously submitted pending B-C-I-E ordinances. Earlier Family Search software allowed the 2nd patron researcher to add SP without being "tied to" or "compelled" to accept responsibility to perform the other 4 pending ordinances.
IMO this is UNACCEPTABLE. When I see this condition (which is extremely common in discovering a set of parents) I take a pass on submitting the SP and leave it "green". When left unsubmitted to the temple the 2nd patron "moves on" in his research. This SP may never get submitted once forgotten and left "green", especially if the other 4 ordinances are submitted to the Temple File (Share with the Temple). I hope that it is agreed that this is a serious problem which needs to be corrected in the current Family Search software. Thank you.
This has been commented on several times and we have been told that the engineers are working on a change in workflow for this.
In the meantime, this is actually very simple to deal with using a quick, three step process:
- Reserve all available ordinances.
- Go to your reservation page and share SP with the temple.
- While still on your reservation page (not the person's ordinance page), unreserve the 120 day ordinances that will have remained on your list. They will return to their previous spot in the temple queue.
In addition, Ordinances Ready does scan the tree for regular, unreserved green icons to present to relatives to complete the ordinances so would eventually find those SP and get them done.