Any suggestions how to find my missing ancestors?
I been searching and searching and cannot find any ancestors before my Great Grandfather Christopher Christian Joseph Heinspeter line. 1852 – 2 October 1889 KG89-G2J
Sources show he was born at: Meklenburg, Langetwedt, Hadersleben, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Family Search computer generated Brief History shows it as: Mikkelborg, Schottburg, Haderslev, Denmark.
I have tried different spellings without success.
I suggest you join three research groups, listed below. The area you are talking about has been contested between Germany and Denmark for the past thousand years and has switched back and forth. This is the same during the 1800s with the First and Second Schleswig Wars. Researchers who specialize in Nordic vs German sources may BOTH benefit you! Also, the Family History Research Strategies is a great group that may also point you to new ways to approach your research.
Germany Research — FamilySearch Community