Teeny Tiny Text Box for Brief Life History Edits
Hellos FS, thanks for a great product that I use everyday. But please enlarge the tiny text box for creating/editing brief life histories. I know you can resize it by dragging the box corner, but why not just make the default text box larger to begin with, making it much easier to read when adding text for bios? At least make it paragraph size! Right now, clicking "edit" brief life history gives you a text box capable of handling FOUR lines of text by default, so at least give us 20-25 lines of text if you can. Respectfully,
At the bottom right of the box, there is a "grab handle" to increase the size. The appearance may vary depending on your browser and platform.
Windows 10, Chrome:
Windows 10, Firefox:
On my Android tablet, Silk browser, there is no visible handle, but the box will keep expanding as I keep typing. You can write up to 10,000 characters.