Ordinances Ready stewardships
Given recent reminders in conference of the need to be wise stewards of the resources the Lord has blessed us with, it seems such a waste of paper to only print one ordinance per piece of paper when using the Ordinances Ready feature for endowments. Until a paperless method can be worked out, may I suggest one (or more) of the following:
A redesign of the cards/form to fit more ordinances on each sheet of paper.
An option to select up to 3 ordinances at a time (or however many will fit on one sheet if a redesign is done). In areas where it's easy to get to the temple, many people are going at least once a month, if not once a week, so could easily get those names done in the 120 day period given for names shared with the temple. For those outside of those areas, some choose to do multiple sessions in a trip.
Since you can print multiple temple endowments from your reservation page, add functionality to Ordinances Ready which allows individuals to select multiple names to "take to temple" and move to the my reservation page. (obviously limits to how many names could be reserved this way would need to be set), or possibly as part of this, provide a "skip/next" option when a name is pulled from a person's reservation list so the system finds a name not in the list.
Have Ordinance Ready return multiple names for the endowment option for individuals to select which name they want to take to the temple, or select enough to fill one sheet of paper.