How do youtransfer Ancestry tree to Family Search?
My Ancestry tree has more in it than the family search. I would really like to be able to GEDCOM or something to transfer my Ancestry tree to Family search because it has more information. Thank you for your time.
First I will apologize in advance for not providing a direct answer to your question. I get it's a pain to sort thru non-answers; I hope you can bear with me on this.
So - would you be willing to consider a different approach? The reason I'm asking is that even well-prepared families can (and do) have issues. Mass imports don't provide any opportunity to suss out those errors.
What I suggest instead is a process of manually confirming each family's data in Ancestry first and then transferring people individually.
Explanation: It is an unfortunate reality that many (if not most) trees in Ancestry are rife with incorrect data and those families get copied wholesale, with all the errors intact. Most Ancestry families I run into have significant errors; some are built on assumptions that aren't provable (yet). There are some very good genealogists there; some I trust implicitly but most folks there aren't as good.
What I (eventually) learned to do -- use Ancestry as a workspace. I build out a family from scratch and when it's done, I'll compare it against other Ancestry trees to see if anything is off or missing. When I work this way, most of the errors I find are with the other trees (and their many copies). Sometimes I'm off. Sometimes we both are.
Once I'm sure my Ancestry family is as accurate and complete as possible (after sorting my own mistakes), I'll create the individuals in FS. For existing people, I check both our famlies against each other; if I find discrepancies, I'll dig into both families.
epilogue: If there's a first rule of genealogy, I think it's Don't Trust Anything Without Verifying It Yourself.
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FamilySearch does have a GEDCOM upload feature, in Genealogies, which I describe as a "public cloud backup" for genealogy files: the file is publicly searchable and viewable, but nobody can make any changes to it. (Not even the person who uploaded it -- but you can upload a new version and delete the old.)
The upload also includes -- and in fact, kind of assumes that you will use -- a compare-and-add process for adding your file's contents to the collaborative Family Tree. Unfortunately, this process is badly flawed; I liken it to working blindfolded, with only a six-year-old to read you what's onscreen. The comparison misses many duplicates, but finds so many false matches that users end up dismissing the few real ones out of sheer tedium. And the "add" process doesn't show everything that is already in the Tree, so you can end up inadvertently replacing good data with less-good, because you didn't know it was there.
Instead, I recommend what "no one in particular" recommended above: add your new content one profile at a time. The details of exactly how you do that -- where you keep your reference file -- are up to you; you can even use your upload in Genealogies, although it strips notes and sources, unfortunately.