How do I attach a source to a couple's "Marriage" event ?

When I click "+ ADD TAG" in the Tags section of the source Marriage isn't one of the Vital Tags that appear.
So I click "+ ADD TAG" under Other Information Tags.
It's clearly not "+ RESIDENCE" or "+ ALTERNATIVE NAME", so I click "+ CUSTOM EVENT", but it's not there. I only see Residence events (aside: surely those should be under the "+ RESIDENCE" option ?)
Looking into it a bit more Marriage, Divorce, etc are apparently Couple Relationship events and don't seem to show up as a tag for a source.
I'm obviously overlooking something. But what ?
Best Answers
Just answered my own question!
It's the Tag Sources button top right when you edit the marriage event.
I obviously didn't spot that when I was editing the marriage event before
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(The hourglasses eventually go away and become your screenshots. This Community is very weird about images.)
Relationships are a strange species in the Tree: in many respects, they behave like whole separate profiles, different from their members. In order to tag a couple relationship event with a source, or to tag a source to a relationship event, you first have to add the source to the relationship's sources list. This list is well-hidden, and totally separate from any profile's sources list.
If you use Source Linker to create a relationship event, then the source you were attaching will usually also get added to the relationship's sources. If you don't take Source Linker up on its offer of yet another version of the event that's already there, then the source does not get added to that list, and you have to add it manually.
To add a source to a couple relationship's sources list manually, first make sure the desired source is in your Source Box. Then, click the edit pencil below the couple's names in the Family Members section. On the resulting popup, click Add Source and choose Attach from Source Box. The process is the same as using Add Source on a profile's Sources tab.
Tagging a relationship source to a relationship event is somewhat superfluous on many profiles, because they have just one event, so obviously, every source listed just below that event is a source for that event. However, it is still possible to add such a tag, either by editing the event, or by editing the source. The process works and looks basically the same as tagging things in the Other Information box.
It looks as if something odd happened to the two images in that first post (they appear as huge hourglass icons to me), so I'll repost here
and the second
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(aside - do other people see the hourglass images in the first post or is it just me? It appears to me that editing a post with images in it is what causes the problem)
Reminder: the actual question is How do I attach a source to a couple's "Marriage" event ?
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OK, I am missing something here. So yesterday I found 2 naturalization documents for 2 couples, one couple had 5 children the other 8. In both cases, complete birth dates and places for all children and adults were detailed in the records. Additionally, complete marriage dates and places were provided for both couples. For all 17 people (4 adults + 13 children), all birth and marriage dates were new information, so I got busy and added the Naturalization sources to all 17 people (utilizing my source box, of course). Then I updated all birth dates, and tagged the new source.
However, when it came to adding the marriage dates, I did not see a way to tag the existing Naturalization source. What I did see was that I could add a source from my source box right there where I edited the couple relationship, which I did. So, 2 questions:
1) Did I do this wrong? It seems like an alternative method to what is described above.
2) How could I have tagged the existing Naturalization source that was in sources?
Oh, and maybe a 3rd question: 3) Does it matter?
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@Gail Swihart Watson, it sounds like you did exactly what I described above as adding a relationship source manually. The answer to your second question is that you couldn't have: that's the part that I have described (elsewhere) as being analogous to trying to tag Uncle Rob's residence from Aunt Sue's sources. The relationship's sources list is treated as a completely separate thing, just like how each profile's sources lists are separate (although you can put instances or copies of the same thing in each).
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi Ah, I'm not sure I ever quite understood that. It is good to know. Thank you! I read your other post, but clearly it went in the brain one side and immediately out the other.