Nagyszalonta Anyakönyvek, 1854-1943
Hi, I hope I'm asking in the right forum.
I saw that all the catalogs have already been digitized in 2022, So why is there no digital access to the catalog yet?
Születtek 1864-1943 Áttértek 1900-1937 Házasultak 1855-1943 Halottak 1854-1877
Izraelita Hitközseg, Nagyszalonta
Thanks for your time and effort :)
This item is available on microfilm at this FamilySearch center.
Best Answers
Digital images have been created for all films, but that does not mean that all films can be viewed from home. FamilySearch negotiates contracts with the record holder or creator (a city, state, country, church) and the record holder has the final say on the type of access FamilySearch can provide.
DGS 7995370 contains records as recent as 1943 and would probably be restricted to view to protect the privacy of those who may be living.
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The film-reel icon has been repurposed: it now means "not available online". The reasons for such restriction vary, but most often, they're privacy-related, and it's likely that that's what's causing it in this case: as Áine noted, the catalog says that the film contains birth records up to 1943. FamilySearch applies restrictions on an all-or-nothing basis: if the film (or digital image group, now) contains even a single restricted image, then the entire film/group is restricted.
We've heard rumors that they're working on breaking up films/groups so that the unrestricted parts can be accessed online, but I have no idea what the timeline is for that effort.
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One more point - the catalog has been locked, for an update, for nearly 2 years. One hopes that with the update will come the breaking-apart of digital image groups and a more explanatory icon.