How to find images of a specific church?
A lot of my family attended the Zuid Afrikaansch Zending Gesticht (Dutch reformed missionary church in Cape Town). By the help of images i have found some unindexed documents of the Zending Gesticht, however I have not been able to find everything.
I'm not sure whether they have published more images of the Zending Gesticht, because the only ones I can find were only published around two weeks back.
I would still like to find more documents and therefore, I would like to know if there is a way to search for images of specific church? (in this case the Zuid Afrikaansch Zending Gesticht)
Thanks in advance,
Best Answer
Yes, you can search for the church name in the Images section.
Click the MORE OPTIONS link:
Then you can add whatever text you like in the Keyword section:
Scroll down and click the Search button. Every entry that has those words in it anywhere will show up in your results list.
Check back often as they are adding new image collections daily and reworking the old catalog entries to make it easier to find the records you need.
Hope this helps you find your family!
Thank you! Still not everything showed up, but I did find more info.