What does another name under parent mean?
The attached birth record for Phillipus Josephus Töpper has his father listed (Joducus Henricus Töpper) and under his name is a word which I assume is his profession. Under that is a word I can't make out and then "Niggemeyer". I don't understand why there is another name under his.
Can anyone answer this question? I wondered if it was a former wife. There are Niggemeyers in the family at later dates
@ChristineWagner9 I would suggest you post in the Germany Research Group where there are several who are better at deciphering German script.
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Thanks. I have tried that several times in the past and haven't had any luck with someone answering.
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I've asked a friend who may be able to help.
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Better zoom from the full image: https://data.matricula-online.eu/de/deutschland/paderborn/DE_EBAP_13901/KB007-02-T/?pg=2
I suspect that there simply aren't enough people here who comfortably get along with That Dratted Handwriting. I'd suggest a separate group for it, except I'm afraid it would result in even fewer answers, because people tend to avoid tasks that don't provide a feeling of accomplishment.
I'm wondering if it's a boss's name?
Post Henrich Töpper Mi?t?enden beÿ Niggelmeyer.
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My friend has responded with this possible information -
"I think the occupation of the father is marktman (market man), and the rest says beÿ (i.e., bei) Niggemeÿer. Beÿ/bei can mean (among other things) in association with, so it could refer to a person with whom he was in business"
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Thank you both for this information. I hope you realize what a help you are to people searching records. Your translations add a piece to the puzzle, answer a question or solve a problem. Your help is invaluable.
Another record listed Heinrich's occupation as "mercenarius". I found that it means day laborer as another translation. I had never seen a record with another person's name along with a parent.
Thanks again. I appreciate it!
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Hmm, idea: could it be something to do with Mieter "renter"? As in, Niggelmeyer is his landlord?