step fathers and step children on a tree

David Mc
May Almighty bless and keep you who read this.
On my family tree two of the "blood" or genetic father's were changed to the step fathers name. I don't know how it happened, but I am grateful because it reminded me of the contribution to my ancestors made by the step fathers. Still it would be nice if there was ....
- a way to show both father's on the tree with a designation for each child as genetic or step.
- The other being - how do I find a way to print the genetic tree built prior? A big "hug" and many thanks to all of you who help make this website the best it can be. Appreciate this labor of love since to me every person on the earth is family, but it is still nice to see the lines and how they converge.
I will attempt to briefly explain the method for doing what you wish in FamilySearch Family Tree.
- A way to show both father's on the tree with a designation for each child as genetic or step
Here is a Help Center document which outlines steps for editing the parent child relationship type - either Biological or Step is an option:
To illustrate I have an example family from the beta.familysearch site (the following image is from the Details tab> Family Members section when viewing one of the children having both Biological and Step parents):
The way that this displays in Tree by default depends upon which parents you have set as Preferred (SET PREFERRED link in upper left of above image).
2. print the genetic tree built prior? In the above image - Test Mister Spouse and his wife Test Spouse are the biological and Preferred set of parents - so that when you view test child's tree the default view is:
The left pointing red circled arrow - at left of the parents - allows you to change the Preferred Parents - but is currently only available in beta - so you need to SET PREFERRED using the link currently. The two down pointing arrows (right of each parent) allow you to view any other Spouses of each of the preferred parents. If you set the biological parents as Preferred and then click the Options button you will have the option to Print the Tree - but I would probably recommend changing from LANDSCAPE tree view to Fan Chart view when printing the Tree:
Feel free to ask if more specifics are needed - there are many here in Community that can help.
God bless.
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This capability already exists. Every profile can have multiple parents or sets of parents, and the type of each parent-child relationship can be set to biological (the default), step, adoptive, guardian, or foster. The choice of which relationship to show in tree/chart views is up to each individual user, and can be changed at will.
Some relevant Help Center articles:
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