When you select a document from Research Help, the document shows up on the right hand of the screen. The name of the document shows up in a big black box. If it is possible can it be toned down a bit? Each time it appears I close my eyes for the shock. It stands out too much and hurts the eyes. A lighter grey perhaps?
On the other hand, the borders around "Spouses and Children" and "Parents and Siblings" is too light. May as well not even have it there. If it is possible please make it similar to the old format. Right now it looks like a mishmash. There is a very, very light shading of pink for the children and siblings. It's just annoying. I think this whole area is where most people have a problem with the looks of the new format.
Otherwise I am getting used to the new and appreciate the settings tool which allows me to select one column instead of two. I found two columns too hard to get used to.
I know this is all cosmetics but if you are on the system all day, it makes a big difference!