Here is a positive idea!
@genthusiast , @Julia Szent-Györgyi , @Áine Ní Donnghaile , @Paul W
I would like to call out the above 4 individuals for their extraordinary efforts supporting the transition of the old person page to the new. They have helped, directed, educated, informed and patiently worked with the hundreds of FamilySearch users who failed to take notice of the upcoming changes.
I have been on a family emergency for 3 weeks now and have had only occasional access to email and my beloved FamilySearch communities. To casually glance at email counts on my phone and see several hundred unread emails - all from FamilySearch "Suggest an Idea" - made me shake my head with sadness. So many people had the opportunity to participate and didn't. The four individuals above have doggedly tried to make all users understand that nothing is lost, and in fact we now have MORE capability. I hope FamilySearch can recognize this "fearsome foursome" in some way. You guys are golden!
Gordon Collett I left you out! How could I do that. Fearsome fivesome!
Who else has been extremely helpful? Let's give them all a big thank you!
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TIL the downvote button only removes an upvote, rather than expressing disagreement. I guess it's our fault for not giving feedback about that earlier.
Sorry, but PLENTY of editors voiced objections and concerns about the new layout and changes made in the past. They are rarely, if ever, acknowledged or acted upon; the suggestions are often countered or dismissed. We've got many threads pleading for needed functional improvements, bug reports, indexing problems, search problems, and data quality that is constantly somehow degrading -- locations are wrong in 1840 US Census reports and in several others the names no longer match the order in which they appear on the document itself. Instead we get completely unnecessary UI changes. Aside from being able to attach sources to specific Events and Facts (which is great if it gets used) and the Alert -- both of which could have been implemented without a major UI redesign, this update is entirely aesthetic or makes functionality worse. Given the history of how user feedback has been treated, it's not at all surprising people quietly turned off the update for as long as they could.
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@RTorchia, I agree that objections about the layout were made, and I was one. But because the layout is customizable (possibly reacting to people like you and me), I have moved my [beloved] Brief Life History to the top. You can customize your look. I have also set up an alert for one ancestor warning people not to merge certain individuals (as there is not enough info to confirm they are the same person.). It appears as a warning for anyone who visits that ancestor's details page. I have also added enslaved / enslaver relationships with an ancestor in the early 1700s New Jersey who was documented as owning a slave. I will continue to document the enslaved as I can, and will also document business relationships found in paperwork I've inherited. All this using the new "Other Relationships" feature. I am also going to make a point (on my to do list, anyway) to carefully date the items in my memories so they can now be viewed in chronological order. I would not call any of those capabilities aesthetic at all. None of this was available on the old person page, and they are the reason I dumped the old person page months ago and never looked back.