Unknowns adding unproven, incorrect ancestors
Someone has added John Huffman on my branch as the father of Daniel Huffman. No documentation has been given that he is the father of Daniel Huffman, born in 1816. John Huffman and his wife, Delilah Embrey, were married in 1825, 9 years after the birth of Daniel. Now I cannot add anything to the branch I had thus far proved because someone Willy nilly added a ancestor that I believe is incorrect and added many ancestors after John. Show me proof of a connection if you are going to add a person on a branch of a tree
If you are certain a relationship is incorrect, just remove it. In this case, go to Daniel Huffman whilst of the page of (incorrectly added father) John Huffman. Click on the pencil icon against his name and you will get a Parent-Child Relationship pop-up. Under "Child" click on "Remove or Replace", then check the "I have reviewed the relationships, sources, and notes for these individuals" box, choose "Remove Parents", provide a simple reason statement (like "Attached to wrong parents"), click "Remove" and John Huffman will no longer be shown as Daniel's father.